Your FMCA Alumni Program Community

Exclusive to FMCA graduates, we’re here for you on every step of your journey, and we offer a wide collection of resources and opportunities in the FMCA Alumni Program to help you GROW as a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach!

You’re not alone! FMCA is committed to your success, and that doesn’t end after graduation.

“The Alumni Program is a fantastic extension of the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy because it feels like I’ve never left! FMCA does a wonderful job creating a community by providing several opportunities for peers to remain connected through online groups, live video meetings, and networking opportunities.”

Level Up In The FMCA Alumni Program

Explore how you can take your community, your career, and your coaching to the next level in the FMCA Alumni Program.

Exclusive to FMCA graduates, the FMCA Alumni Program is a one-year subscription membership. Level up after graduation by taking advantage of the exceptional benefits and support opportunities!

Not a graduate? Click here to learn more about our health coach certification program!

Workshops: Peer-Facilitated

Collaborate with fellow alums to find support, share ideas, brainstorm, and problem-solve together in an environment similar to your Live Training Sessions. Work together to reach goals, and develop skills you can apply in coaching and business.

Mentorship in Coaching

Hone your skills and build confidence in live, small-group coaching mentorship calls with master coach Margarita Tarragona. Get personalized support on questions and challenges, and listen in on other coaches’ advice and mentoring. Recordings will also be available to watch at your own convenience.

Office Hours with Dr. Sandi

Go right to the experts in virtual office hours with Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum, Founder & CEO. Discuss specific questions and get personalized mentoring on working with physicians, coaching confidently, building your practice, developing your brand, and achieving your career goals.

Your Alumni Community

Join your fellow engaged, driven, and creative coaching community in The FMCA Alumni Program Facebook Group. Learn about programming updates, share ideas, offer support, and ask questions with your fellow alumni and with FMCA founders, educators, and staff.Utilize the Alumni Program Zoom room, open 24/7, for informal meetups, study sessions, and discussion groups. Support each other with coaching and business ideas, studying for the NBHWC exam, finding jobs, and other opportunities!

FMCA Career Navigator

Learn about the business of coaching and apply it to your career! You can explore content from our FMCA Career Navigator on your own time, and then attend mentorship calls to ask questions and develop goals. Attend peer-facilitated workshops to delve into the material, get personalized support from your fellow alumni, and reach your business goals together.

Workshops: Business Mentorship

Get live, hands-on business and marketing guidance from the same business experts that teach our FMCA Career Navigator! Workshops are held quarterly on a diverse range of business topics, including working in a medical practice, finding clients, or launching your own coaching business. You can earn 2 NBHWC CE credits for each live workshop you attend. Recordings will also be available to watch at your own convenience.

Webinars: Ask The Expert Series

Get access to exclusive Ask The Expert webinars with your favorite industry experts, covering developments in our field and new tools and approaches you can use in practice.Translate what you learn into your work with clients, with presentations on relevant coaching topics. Webinars
take place twice a month and are recorded and viewable at your convenience.

Experience & Education

In addition to all of the great community benefits and tools, the FMCA Alumni Program offers many resume building opportunities for health coaches. Experience is one of the most valuable differentiators any health coach can offer, and our program helps streamline referrals as well as continuing education.

New Client Referrals

Get new coaching clients referred to you directly! When potential clients contact FMCA directly seeking coaching, we refer them to an Alumni Program member who fits their needs, and then we step out of the way. If you and your referral decide you’re a good match, you can onboard them to your practice as a client and move forward together!

Continuing Education

Continuing Education is included in your FMCA Alumni Program membership!  You can earn ALL 12 of your Continuing Education Credits in the FMCA Alumni Program. PLUS Alumni Program members receive a 10% discount on all FMCA speciality courses.

Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice

Gain valuable experience coaching Functional Medicine practitioners through the Elimination Diet, exclusively through the FMCA Alumni Program! Because of our collaboration with The Institute for Functional Medicine, members of our Alumni Program have the exclusive opportunity to coach practitioners in the Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice (AFMCP) Course through the Elimination Diet.

“Coaching clients participating in the comprehensive IFM Elimination Diet experience takes coaching to another level because of the natural synergy pairing a FMCHC with an IFM participant; coaches are helping clients open doors not only for themselves, but also for their future patients.”