Over the last 50 years, we have seen a significant rise in autoimmune disease, food and environmental allergies, diabetes, and obesity. While our medical industry continues to advance scientifically and in technology, the time doctors can devote to teaching their patients about healthy lifestyles and nutrition is still minimal at best.
Mainstream doctors work primarily to identify and treat the symptoms. They do not have the time or bandwidth to really work with their patients on developing goals and making changes.
This is where doctors are starting to look towards health coaches to supplement their care for patients.

So, why become a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach?
Professional Credibility
The Functional Medicine Coaching Academy’s training is unlike any other program in its depth and comprehensive approach to Functional Medicine and positive psychology.
We are the only program offered in collaboration with The Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM).
When you graduate from FMCA, you earn the designation of Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach. This title signifies not only that you “speak the language of Functional Medicine,” but also that you know how to support patients to create real, sustainable behavior change. That you not only have the knowledge it takes to be a great health coach but that you know how to apply it. The combination of theory and application is what sets FMCA apart.
A Positive and Caring Impact On Others
Functional medicine certified health coaches step in and help where doctors are unable to, providing patients with specific goals to work on, recipes and diet guidelines, exercises and lifestyle management tools to help reduce the stress that could be contributing to their disease or illness.
They are able to follow up with patients sometimes on a weekly basis to help them stay on track and answer any questions or concerns. These types of coaches are a huge benefit to doctors who are looking outside the box to increase the number of patients who succeed in treatment and improve their quality of life through education and support.
As a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, you can positively impact clients and help them achieve their goals. You get to inspire, motivate, and counsel others to improve their health and wellness.
Having A Positive Impact On Your Own Life
Confidence can be difficult to attain without the experiences that build and strengthen it. As an FMCA student, you will not only receive a strong theoretical foundation in relevant Functional Medicine and health coaching techniques and approaches, you will also get the hands-on coaching experience to apply it.
By helping others with advice that you are professionally competent in, you will make a real difference in your clients’ lives.
Endless Career Opportunities
The demand for functional medicine coaches is on the rise as the health and wellness industry is expanding constantly. It is a career based on the needs of the society we live in with more and more people seeking expert advice.
Improving Your Own Health
Your primary reasons for deciding to become a functional medicine coach may be to follow a healthier lifestyle personally or help others with the same. But whatever the reason, one thing is certain. In the process of becoming a functional medicine coach, the knowledge you gain will not only help your clients but your friends and family as well as yourself.
Alumni Community & Support
When you graduate from FMCA you become a part of the alumni community. As part of the community, you will receive support, guidance, and resources to help you on your path to providing the best coaching possible. The alumni resources include a constantly updated Functional Medicine Job Board, your own personalized profile in our Find-A-Coach database, and the opportunity to access extended training, reference resources, business and coaching mentorship, and discounts on special continuing education opportunities.
Functional Medicine Certified Health Coaches positively impact clients and help them reach their goals and get paid to do so. They inspire, motivate, and provide a level of accountability that is currently absent in the healthcare continuum.
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