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Why Canada’s Health Coaches Choose Functional Medicine Coaching
To better serve our community in North America and globally, The Functional Medicine Coaching Academy strives to achieve recognition by the world’s preeminent health coaching organizations. We are proud of our status as an approved educator with Canada’s Health Coach Alliance.
Our program is growing internationally, with students and alumni on 6 continents (we’re still coming for you, Antarctica). Today, let’s look at the uptick in Canadian students choosing to train with FMCA.
To better serve our community in North America and globally, The Functional Medicine Coaching Academy strives to achieve recognition by the world’s preeminent health coaching organizations. We are proud of our status as an approved educator with Canada’s Health Coach Alliance (HCA), which unites thousands of Registered Health Coaches™ (RHC™), Registered Health & Nutrition Counsellors™ (RHNC™), and Registered Holistic Nutrition Practitioners™ across North America. (Interested in learning more about our different international approvals and partnerships? Check out this blog post.)
While there are many paths that lead to becoming a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach (FMCHC), what really resonates with us is each student’s purpose, their “why,” and how their unique path led them to FMCA. We asked some of our alumni in Canada to share their journeys with us here:
Janice Wiggins, FMCHC
FMCA Class of January 2018
Q: What inspired you to become a Functional Medicine Health Coach?
A: Ultimately, it was curiosity that led me to Functional Medicine and Functional Medicine Health Coaching. I was working as a certified personal trainer and sport nutritionist where my primary focus was optimizing the body composition of my clients. I quickly realized that focusing solely on nutrition and exercise was not enough. I also felt completely unequipped to help clients who were struggling to progress even though I had created a ‘perfect’ plan for them. Why were some clients able to achieve their goals while others seemed to stumble and trip every step of the way? My need to understand the “why’s” led me to taking the IFM’s Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice course which completely changed how I thought about health and wellness. The concepts of root cause medicine, the Matrix and Timeline made complete sense to me and I knew I wanted to be part of this movement, and health coaching seemed like a natural fit.
Q: Why did you choose to study at The Functional Medicine Coaching Academy?
A: I was inspired by FMCA’s client centered philosophy. I was very aware of the limitations of the ‘expert’ approach in the fitness industry, and I felt that by using motivational interviewing, positive psychology, character strengths and a holistic approach, that I would better serve my clients while helping them to achieve their goals.
Q: If you could give one piece of advice to future students considering FMCA, what would it be?
A: We are all coaches. Whether you are helping a friend through a difficult time, a child through a life decision, or a parent through a transition. The coaching skills you learn in this program not only provide you with a recognized certification, they will also impact your every-day relationships and help you grow as an individual.
Q: If we asked you to describe the power of health coaching, what would you say?
A: Health coaching is life changing. I say this because when you empower another person, you impact them in a way that expands out to everyone they are connected with. And, in turn, empowering someone has an impact that changes you and everyone you are connected with.
Melanie Rathbun, FMCHC
FMCA Class of September 2018
Q: What inspired you to become a Functional Medicine Health Coach?
A: I developed a deep appreciation for Functional Medicine through my own personal health journey and was fortunate to work with some incredible practitioners along the way. I had been employed in a high-stress corporate career and health issues continued to surface. I no longer felt my best and I couldn’t understand what was happening with my health.
Although I had a fabulous care team, looking back at those years ago I realize a health coach was one piece that was missing for me during my return to health and it would have been a welcome addition. I wanted to become that person for others.
Q: Why did you choose to study at The Functional Medicine Coaching Academy?
A: This was an easy decision. It’s the only program designed and delivered in collaboration with the Institute for Functional Medicine with world-class faculty and educators. From the moment I engaged with this group I knew this was the program for me. They are truly supportive and encouraging, wanting each of us to succeed in all that we do.
What I realized is there are so many paths to be taken as a health coach which is all part of what makes it so fulfilling. We get to tailor it to our strengths and passions, putting our own personal touch on our offerings. What I’ve realized after working so hard in my past career is that it was not for nothing. It still applies today in all that I do and the skills are transferable.
Q: If you could give one piece of advice to future students considering FMCA, what would it be?
A: Trust the process! My facilitator said this to our group and she was right. It’s a personal journey and a really positive one, so just go for it. While you’re becoming a great coach month by month during the program, you’ll also find yourself communicating better with family and friends and using the tools acquired to improve your own life. This is a gift in unmeasurable ways, and you have a positive impact on all those around you.
My undergraduate degree was in a cohort-style university program so I am used to this model of learning. I can’t say enough about the sense of connectedness that came out of my cohort, and FMCA as a whole. It was like nothing I have ever experienced. You become part of a greater global purpose, and it’s truly rewarding. It also becomes contagious! I have two dear friends, one currently enrolled and another that just graduated. I’ve enjoyed hearing about their journey and being a part of their transformation. The people you connect with become your tribe and this opens up options and creates a support network for you.
Q: If we asked you to describe the power of health coaching, what would you say?
A: I would say that there is great power in coaching. It’s humbling as a coach to be able to connect with, partner with, and support clients, helping get them from where they are to where they want to be. Health coaches come alongside their clients and help them transform their lives in a positive way and you get to honor them as the expert. It’s an effective and creative process for those wanting to make lifestyle changes and obtain their health goals. This is a unique relationship and one that is going to continue to improve the future of health care.
Jane Hogan, FMCHC
FMCA Class of February 2019
Q: What inspired you to become a Functional Medicine Health Coach?
A: In 2016 after a lifetime of people-pleasing and a year of incredible stress, I suddenly developed a crippling autoimmune condition. I was told there is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, that the harsh medications could only hope to slow the progress and pain. My freedom years were just ahead but now they were looking like I could be spending them in pain and disability.
At the core of my being, I KNEW this could not be the way my life was supposed to be. In a moment of intense suffering, I made a new decision: I decided that I was going to take charge of my health and do everything in my power to get my health back…and I did! I re-evaluated every aspect of my life, became empowered in my health, found natural solutions and regained my vitality and freedom.
So, after nearly 30 years in my engineering career, I am following my heart. I trained to be a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and now I am the Health Coach Engineer! Inspiring others to become empowered in their health is now my passion and life’s purpose. I help people with joint pain find a path to freedom using simple and natural solutions so that they can become masters of their own health destiny. Body, mind and spirit.
Q: Why did you choose to study at The Functional Medicine Coaching Academy?
A: I was working with a naturopathic doctor who practiced Functional Medicine, Dr. Carri Drzyzga. When I told her I want to help other people, she suggested the health coaching program at FMCA. I chose that program because it was affiliated with the Institute for Functional Medicine.
Q: If you could give one piece of advice to future students considering FMCA, what would it be?
A: If you are passionate about helping people address root causes of illness using the principles of Functional Medicine, like nutrition, movement, sleep, relationships, and stress management, and believe that we are not just a physical machine, then consider this program.
Q: If we asked you to describe the power of health coaching, what would you say?
A: Health coaching is an incredible gift! When you help people become empowered in their health rather than being victims of symptoms or an illness, you give them the gift of freedom and confidence.