Published: May 9, 2019
We all know that eating seasonally means consuming local produce purchased around the time that it’s harvested, however, what does eating seasonally actually mean for you?
Save Money, Eat Better
Support Your Local Economy
Another benefit of eating seasonally: when you eat local, seasonal food, the money you spend stays in your community by going to local farmers and growers, who can then reinvest it in other local businesses. In addition, seasonal food that’s grown, processed, and distributed locally to restaurants and grocery stores generates jobs and helps stimulate local economies. That means you can literally choose where your money goes when you select your produce: to large corporate growers or local farmers in your area.
Where Can I Buy Seasonally?
First, use the Seasonal Food Guide and find out what is in season right now in your state. Then, sign up at a local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), or shop a local farmers market or co-op!
Purchasing locally grown not only helps support local farmlands, but it also maintains open space in your community. In a United States Department of Agriculture study, it is found that direct-to-consumer producers are less likely to apply pesticides and herbicides to control weeds and insects than conventional producers (with the exception of chemicals to control insects and weeds in fruit, nut and berry crops). Consuming seasonal produce benefits everyone!