About Jeffrey Geller

Jeffrey Geller, MD has been practicing and innovating primary health care since 1996. He is credited for developing the modern group medical visit models and protocols; his work with open models such as the Empowerment Model has been a major influence in the field.

By pairing non-pharmacologic treatments with group visits such as Tai Chi, art, exercise, acupuncture, yoga, hypnosis, nutrition, and mind-body techniques, he has provided primary care and treatment of chronic pain, obesity, chronic illness, and addiction. His initial group visits were developed to treat loneliness and grew to the largest group medical visit program in the country, not only reducing loneliness, but helping patients overcome barriers to health and receive integrative medicine. He helped found Integrative Medicine for the Underserved (IM4US) and is starting a primary care group visit practice for all called the Integrated Center for Group Medical Visits (ICGMV) with Kronos Health. Here he will examine the Group Inclusion Effect (GIE) and teach other providers.

Dr. Geller has won numerous awards including acknowledgement for his work by the U.S. Surgeon General and is the 2020 Massachusetts family physician of the year. Dr. Geller believes that ICGMV, in collaboration with Kronos Health, will revolutionize primary healthcare – giving patients and providers the time they need AND the support they need through the efficiency and services that group medical visits can provide.

Subjects Covered

The Art and Science of Coaching