Access an FMCA Sample Lecture

What does an online lecture actually look like? Find out in this free sample course, “Leveraging the Functional Medicine Coaching Model to Support Behavior Change” – this content is actually part of our Health Coach Certification, so consider it your head start!

In this free course, industry leader (and FMCA favorite) Dr. Kristi Hughes leads you through:

  • The role of the Health Coach in the Functional Medicine model
  • Core tools coaches and practitioners use with clients, including the Functional Medicine Tree, Timeline, Matrix, and 6-Step Heuristics
  • Considerations for Functional Medicine Coaches working with practitioners, on collaborative care teams, and coaching their own patients
  • Ways coaches support the needs of medical practices

This lecture is a great example of the content you’d be exposed to as part of our Health Coach Certification Program.

Access the Sample Lecture